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The weirdest hangover cures ever!

Updated: Feb 12, 2024

We know, you too!

We’ve all been in situations where we’ve had a blast on a Saturday night and woken up feeling awful the following morning. Ordering ANOTHER drink might have seemed like a good idea then, but it often leaves you questioning your life choices soon after.

Hangover troubles mostly boil down to dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic that helps the body get rid of fluids (which is why you pee so much when you drink). The dehydration causes you to develop fatigue, nausea, dry mouth, and a pounding headache.

We know, you miss it..

A hangover occurs several hours after you’ve stopped knocking back those shots when your BAC (Blood Alcohol Level) begins to near zero. So, it is simply your body going through a mild case of alcohol withdrawal. It can last a couple of hours or cover an entire day depending on your genetics, body size, how fast you drink, and how much food and water you had.   

Here’s a list of the weirdest hangover cures out there:

  • Eat a bowl of cold Chinese food. (Chopsticks are optional) 

  • Knock back a shot of pickle juice and try not to gag.

  • Take a long cold shower with NO soap while listening to Adele. 

  • Drink a Prairie Oyster; A mix of tomato juice, a whole raw egg, Worcestershire sauce, tabasco, salt, and pepper. 

  • Alternate between champagne and carrot juice the morning after. Julia Roberts swears that this is the best way to cure a hangover. 

  • Run a 5k and sweat out the toxins. 

I know what you’re thinking. Those hangover cures might be a little too out there for most of us… Especially, well… when you’re dying of a hangover...

The true cures:

Although there is no one surefire way to cure a hangover, here are some tried and tested cures that will help :

  1. Drink PLENTY of fluids. Is regular water just not hitting the spot for you? Try some sparkling water instead! It gives you the same level of hydration. Here’s a link to our range of 100% Naturally flavoured sparkling waters:

  2. Don’t drink too much coffee. We know this is tough, but caffeine will only dehydrate you more. 

  3. Eat a carb-heavy breakfast the morning after.

  4. Make sure you get enough rest. It can ease headaches and fatigue.




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