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How to Pop.

Updated: Feb 12, 2024

So. You’re a little confused. Like, yeah, you’ve ordered Polka Pop, and now you have an array of bottles looking right at you, and you have no idea what to do with them other than sample them, and test how they taste.

Let’s show you how to Pop.

Drink & Pop

Pop practically shines with a white liquor. Forget a gin and tonic and add a twist of flavour, a treat for your tastebuds to make a good night out even better. That’s right, substituting your usual tonic or soda with Polka Pop doesn't only add a subtle fruity flavour profile to your drink, it’s also much more healthier than your usual soda since you skip over all the sugar and salts in a tonic or a soda. It’s a Gin & Pop now! 

If you're driving or not feeling up to consuming liquor, a mocktail with Pop served in a tall glass with a lot of ice will hit just the right spot. 

Food & Pop.

Hey, we get it. The way your hand automatically searches for the fizz to dance on your tongue while you hold some popcorn. Or with the pizza you’re indulging in on your cheat day. But you have been warned against the sugary caffeinated drinks you used to reach out for, so who will you go to now? Who’s your hero? Pop’s your hero.

Polka Pop is a guilt-free way to add some sizzle to your tastebuds, subtracting the cuploads of sugar, and multiplying the health benefits. Who said PEMDAS doesnt help you after school?

We recommend a few cuisines and dishes  with which Polka Pop goes well with! It is not an exhaustive list, but just a little something to get you started on the Polka Pop lifestyle. 

Just Polka Pop

Fun Fact. Sparkling water (cough, Polka Pop, cough) has the exact same nutritional values and calorific content as plain ol’ water. So it provides a tasty and guilt free refreshment at any point in the say if you’re not feeling said plain ol’ water, like after a workout, during your work day, or as a much needed pick me up on a hot and tiring day.

You can never run out of ways to drink Polka Pop! So go ahead, get fizzed. Get Popped.


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